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Programa | Programme



Quinta-feira, 7 de setembro | Thursday, September 7th

Hotel Santa Maria


19h00 – Receção dos participantes | Welcome

19h30 – Mesa-Redonda de Abertura | Opening Roundtable

            “EU-NATO Relations: A New Atlantic Century?”

Moderator: Luís Nuno Rodrigues, CEI-Iscte (PT)



Alana Moceri, IE University (SP), “NATO, the EU and public diplomacy: Action speaks louder than PR campaigns.”

Ana Isabel Xavier, CEI-Iscte and UAL, (PT), “EU and NATO in Africa: partners against crime?”

Licínia Simão, University of Coimbra (PT), “The Atlantic in EU-NATO relations: a test case to complementarity.”

20h30 – Jantar de Receção | Welcome Dinner – Sponsored by the Municipality of Vila do Porto



Sexta-feira, 8 de setembro | Friday, September 8th

Biblioteca Municipal de Vila do Porto | Vila do Porto’s Municipal Library


09h00 – Sessão de Abertura | Opening Session


09h15 – Panel 1 Island Narratives

Moderator: Ana Mónica Fonseca, CEI-Iscte (PT)

Edgardo Medeiros, ISCSP, Univ. Lisboa (PT), “The Azores, or Western islands, on the European Grand Tour of William Hickling Prescott (1815-1817)”

Andrea Vacha, CIES-Iscte (PT), “Imagined Elsewhere through Gungunhana. Representations of the Exiled king in Azores and Mozambique”

Timothy D. Walker, U. Mass.-Dartmouth (EUA), “Assessing Historic Changes to Weather in the Atlantic Ocean using Portuguese and American Maritime Archival Sources (c. 1750-1950)”


10h30 – Coffee Break


11h00 – Panel 2 Atlantic Diasporas

Moderator: Luís Nuno Rodrigues, CEI-Iscte (PT)

Dulce Scott, Anderson University (EUA), “Portuguese Americans: Assimilation and Diaspora”

Diniz Borges, California State University (EUA), “’The Dream you were denied’ The Azorean diaspora bridges the Atlantic and the Pacific.”

Daniela Melo, Boston University (EUA), “US Foreign Policy During the Portuguese Revolution: Diasporic activism and the Azores question”


12h30 – Almoço | Lunch


14h00 – Panel 3 The Azores in Atlantic Politics

Moderator: Ana Isabel Xavier, CEI-Iscte (PT)

Tomé Ribeiro Gomes, CEI-Iscte (PT), “The Azores in Atlantic Geopolitical trends: a prospective analysis”

Paulo Fontes, CEHu-Univ Açores (PT), "The Azores and the Challenges of Science Diplomacy"

Nuno Santos Lopes, CEHu-UAc, IPRI-NOVA and OP-ISCSP (PT), "The EU Strategies for the Outermost Regions and their impact on these Regions: the Azorean case"


15h15 – Coffee Break


15h30 – Panel 4 Atlantic Geopolitics

Moderator: Patrícia Daehnhardt, IPRI-NOVA & IDN (PT)

Ana Azevedo, IEP, Univ. Católica (PT), "An Atlantic Maritime Strategy for Portugal" (via zoom)

Cátia Miriam Costa, CEI-Iscte, Raquel Coimbra, University of Coimbra, Ana Lígia Primo, University of Coimbra (PT), “Community Contributions to International Ocean Governance and the Ocean Safety Agenda”

Sandra Balão, CAPP, ISCSP-ULisboa & CID-IUM (PT), "The Portuguese Atlantic Maritime Geopower"


17h00 – Panel 5 Atlantic Security and Technology

Moderator: Licínia Simão, University of Coimbra (PT)

Alexandre Moreli, IRI, Universidade de São Paulo (BR), “Oil and security in the Brazilian Atlantic”

António Alexandre, CIDIUM-IUM (PT), "Security in the Portuguese Atlantic"

Paulo Quental, Azores Mission Structure for Space (PT), "The implementation of highly technological economic sectors in the Azores: The New Space"


20h00 – Jantar | Dinner


Sábado, 9 de setembro | Saturday, September 9th


09h00 – 17h00 – Roteiro Estratégico de Santa Maria | Santa Maria Strategic Roadmap

Visita à Estação Thales-Edisoft / Teleporto de Santa Maria, Estação RAEGE de Santa Maria, Bunkers do Pico Alto, Centro de Controlo Oceânico de Santa Maria, e Imóvel Classificado de Interesse Público “Lugar do Aeroporto”. Aberto ao público, sob inscrição até ao dia 6 de setembro em | Visit to Thales-Edisoft / Santa Maria Teleport, Santa Maria RAEGE Station, Pico Alto Bunkers, Santa Maria Oceanic Air Traffic Control Centre, cultural classified site “Lugar do Aeroporto”. Open to public, under inscription until September 6th at


13h00 – Almoço | Lunch


19h00 – Jantar de Encerramento | Closing Dinner – Sponsored by the Transatlantic Studies Association (TSA)


 2023 Associação LPAZ

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